
              • 姓名: 賈望魯
              • 性別: 男
              • 職務(wù): 
              • 職稱: 研究員
              • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
              • 電話: 020-85291312
              • 傳真: 020-85290706
              • 電子郵件: wljia@gig.ac.cn
              • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區(qū)科華街511號(hào)
                簡(jiǎn)  歷:
              • 男,研究員,1976年8月出生,山東兗州人。國(guó)家杰出青年科學(xué)基金(2021)獲得者。1993-2000年在中國(guó)地質(zhì)大學(xué)(武漢)學(xué)習(xí)并獲理學(xué)學(xué)士和碩士學(xué)位,2000-2004年在中國(guó)科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所學(xué)習(xí)獲理學(xué)博士學(xué)位,后繼續(xù)在該所工作至今(2014年7月–12月,美國(guó)加州理工學(xué)院訪問學(xué)者)。


              • (1)有機(jī)質(zhì)(分子)多元-高維同位素組成與油氣成因;(2)干酪根和原油裂解過程及油氣潛力評(píng)價(jià);(3)元素地球化學(xué)與沉積有機(jī)質(zhì)和錳富集機(jī)制;(4)有機(jī)質(zhì)組成和結(jié)構(gòu)的熱演化規(guī)律與孔隙發(fā)育機(jī)制。

              • 廣東省地質(zhì)科學(xué)技術(shù)獎(jiǎng),一等獎(jiǎng),2020,排名第四


              • (1)?Susu Wang, Jian Chen, Wanglu Jia*, Ping’an Peng, 2024. Multiple isotopes (C-S-N-H) and bound biomarkers in asphaltenes: New constraints on the classification and genesis of reservoir bitumens from the northwestern Sichuan Basin, South China. Organic Geochemistry 193, 104807.

                (2)?Xiaodong Liu, Wanglu Jia*, Qiang Wang, Jinxiang Wu, Jian Chen, Ping’an Peng, 2024. Experimental simulation of thermal evolution of nitrogen content and isotopes in source rocks: Implications for nitrogen cycling characterization and oil-source correlation. Marine and Petroleum Geology 163, 106796.

                (3)?Jinxiang Wu, Zhaozhao Tan, Wanglu Jia*, Jian Chen, Ping’an Peng, 2024. Nitrogen isotopes and geochemistry of the basal Datangpo Formation: Contrasting redox conditions in the upper and lower water columns during the Cryogenian interglaciation period. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 637, 112005.

                (4)?Jinxiang Wu, Wanglu Jia*, 2024. Nitrogen isotopic compositions of organic-rich shales (~560 Ma) in the Chengkou region, South China: Implications for a stable and relatively large nitrate reservoir of the late Ediacaran ocean. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 260, 105969.

                (5)?Xiaodong Liu, Qiang Wang, Wanglu Jia*, Jianzhong Song, Ping’an Peng, 2023. Pyrolysis of an organic-rich shale containing type II kerogen before and after oil generation and expulsion: Implications for the generation of late hydrocarbon and hydrogen gases. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 173, 106105.

                (6)?Zhaozhao Tan, Jinxiang Wu, Wanglu Jia*, Jie Li, Brian Kendall, Jianzhong Song, Ping’an Peng, 2023. Molybdenum isotope evidence from restricted-basin mudstones for an intermediate extent of oxygenation in the late Ediacaran ocean. Chemical Geology 623, 121410.

                (7)?Zhaozhao Tan, Wanglu Jia*, Jie Li, Lu Yin, Susu Wang, Jinxiang Wu, Jianzhong Song, Ping’an Peng, 2021. Geochemistry and molybdenum isotopes of the basal Datangpo Formation: Implications for ocean-redox conditions and organic matter accumulation during the Cryogenian interglaciation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 563, 110169.

                (8)?Wanglu Jia*, Yangen Huang, Zhongyao Xiao, Ping’an Peng, 2020. Identification and Implications of Trimethyl-n-Alkylbenzenes in Marine Oils from the Deep Tarim Basin. Geofluids, 8842891.

                (9)?Qiang Wang, Wanglu Jia*, Chiling Yu, Jianzhong Song, Hui Zhang, Jinzhong Liu, Ping’an Peng, 2020. Potential of light oil and condensates from deep source rocks revealed by pyrolysis of type I/II kerogens after oil generation and expulsion. Energy & Fuels 34, 9262?9274.

                (10)? Huijuan Guo, Wanglu Jia*, Ruliang He, Chiling Yu, Jianzhong Song, Ping’an Peng, 2020. Distinct evolution trends of nanometer-scale pores displayed by the pyrolysis of organic matter-rich lacustrine shales: Implications for the pore development mechanisms. Marine and Petroleum Geology 121, 104622.

                (11)? Jian Chen, Wanglu Jia*, Chiling Yu, Xiangyun Zhang, Ping’an Peng, 2020. Bound hydrocarbons and structure of pyrobitumen rapidly formed by asphaltene cracking: Implications for oil–source correlation at relatively high maturities. Organic Geochemistry 146, 104053.

                (12)? Jian Chen, Wanglu Jia*, Zhongyao Xiao, Ping’an Peng, 2020. Catalytic hydropyrolysis of asphaltenes in marine oil from the Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications to complicated oil charging histories in an old composite basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 114: 104232.

                (13)? Qiang Wang, Yan Qin, Wanglu Jia*, Yunpeng Wang, Wenzheng Zhang, Ping'an Peng, 2018. Density and viscosity of tight oil from Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China and the geochemical controls. Petroleum Science and Technology 36, 1298–1304.

                (14)? Huijuan Guo, Ruliang He, Wanglu Jia*, Ping’an Peng, Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, Chengfu Jiang, 2018. Pore characteristics of lacustrine shale within the oil window in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, southeastern Ordos Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 91, 279–296.

                (15)? Wanglu Jia*, Shasha Chen, Xinxu Zhu, Ping’an Peng, Zhongyao Xiao, 2017. D/H ratio analysis of pyrolysis-released n-alkanes from asphaltenes for correlating oils from different sources. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 126, 99–104.

                (16)? Huijuan Guo, Wanglu Jia*, Ping’an Peng, Jian Zeng, Ruliang He, 2017. Evolution of organic matter and nanometer-scale pores in an artificially matured shale undergoing two distinct types of pyrolysis: A study of the Yanchang Shale with type II kerogen. Organic Geochemistry 105, 56–66.

                (17)? Shasha Chen, Wanglu Jia*, Ping’an Peng, 2016. Carbon isotope analyses of n-alkanes released from rapid pyrolysis of oil asphaltenes in a closed system. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30, 1779–1786.

                (18)? Jian Zeng, Wanglu Jia*, Ping'an Peng, Chengguo Guan, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan, Shasha Chen, Chiling Yu, 2016. Composition and pore characteristics of black shales from the Ediacaran Lantian Formation in the Yangtze Block, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 76, 246–261.

                (19)? Wanglu Jia, Qiuling Wang, Jinzhong Liu, Ping’an Peng*, Baohua Li, Jialan Lu, 2014. The effect of oil expulsion or retention on further thermal degradation of kerogen in the high maturity stage: A pyrolysis study of type II kerogen from Pingliang shale, China. Organic Geochemistry 71, 17–29.

                (20)? Huijuan Guo, Wanglu Jia*, Ping’an Peng, Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Ming Cheng, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, Chengfu Jiang, 2014. The composition and its impact on the methane sorption of lacustrine shales from the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 57, 509–520.

                (21)? Wanglu Jia, Qiuling Wang, Ping’an Peng*, Zhongyao Xiao, Baohua Li, 2013. Isotopic compositions and biomarkers in crude oils from the Tarim Basin: Oil maturity and oil mixing. Organic Geochemistry 57, 95–106.

                (22)? Wanglu Jia, Zhongyao Xiao, Chiling Yu, Ping’an Peng*, Molecular and isotopic compositions of bitumens in Silurian tar sands from the Tarim Basin, NW China: Characterizing biodegradation and hydrocarbon charging in an old composite basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2010, 27:13–25.

                (23)? Wanglu Jia*, Ping'an Peng, Jinzhong Liu. Gas chromatography flow rates for determining deuterium/hydrogen ratios of natural gas by gas chromatography/high-temperature conversion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2008, 22: 2521–2525.

                (24)? Jia Wanglu*, Peng Ping’an, Xiao Zhongyao. ???? Carbon isotopic compositions of 1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene in marine oil asphaltenes from the Tarim Basin: Evidence for the source formed in a strongly reducing environment. Science in China, series D, 2008, 51(4): 509–514.

                (25)? Jia Wanglu, Peng Ping’an*, Yu Chiling, Xiao Zhongyao, Source of 1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene in asphaltenes from the Tarim Basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2007, 30: 591–598.

                (26)? Jia Wanglu*, Peng Ping’an. Molecular structure of kerogens from source rocks of Tarim Basin: A study by Py-GC-MS and methylation-Py-GC-MS. Science in China, series D, 2005, 48(3): 313–325.

                (27)? Jia Wanglu*, Shuai Yanhua, Peng Ping’an, Wang Feiyu & Xiao Zhongyao. Kinetic study of hydrocarbon generation of oil asphaltene from Lunnan area, Tabei uplift, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49 (suppI) :83–88.

                (28)? 劉蕭冬, 賈望魯, 王強(qiáng), 陳鍵, 李進(jìn)步, 彭平安, 2024. 高壓封閉體系中干酪根與油裂解生成氫氣的演化特征及其意義. 地球化學(xué).

                (29)? 朱信旭,王秋玲,陳鍵,于赤靈,賈望魯*,肖中堯,彭平安,2019. 塔里木盆地寒武系干酪根催化加氫熱解產(chǎn)物中正構(gòu)烷烴的分布與碳同位素組成特征. 地球化學(xué)48(5), 447–457.

                (30)? 賀儒良,賈望魯*,彭平安, 2018. 排/留烴過程對(duì)富有機(jī)質(zhì)頁巖納米孔隙發(fā)育影響的熱模擬實(shí)驗(yàn)研究. 地球化學(xué)47(5): 575–585.

                (31)? 陳莎莎,?朱信旭,?賈望魯*,?于赤靈,?彭平安, 2017.?用于單體氫同位素分析的混合溶劑洗脫5?分子篩吸附正構(gòu)烷烴的方法.?巖礦測(cè)試, 2017, 36(4): 413–419.

                (32)? 曾建, 賈望魯*, 彭平安, 關(guān)成國(guó), 周傳明, 袁訓(xùn)來, 2017. 皖南埃迪卡拉系藍(lán)田組頁巖的有機(jī)質(zhì)富集與孔隙發(fā)育特征. 地球化學(xué), 2017, 46(2): 158–167.

                (33)? 郭慧娟,王香增,張麗霞,姜呈馥,賈望魯*,彭平安,雷裕紅,羅曉容,程明. 抽提前/后成熟頁巖對(duì)氮?dú)狻⒍趸嫉奈教卣骷捌鋵?duì)孔隙研究的意義. 地球化學(xué), 2014, 43(4): 408–414.

                (34)? 賈望魯, 劉金鐘, 彭平安. 輔助器燃燒接口對(duì)有機(jī)化合物碳同位素測(cè)定的影響. 高等學(xué)校化學(xué)學(xué)報(bào), 2012, 33(4): 718–724.

                (35)? 王秋玲, 賈望魯*, 彭平安, 楊芝林, 肖中堯. 柯坪隆起阿克蘇油苗的地球化學(xué)特征及其成因研究. 地球化學(xué),2012,41(1):45–54.

                (36)? 楊揚(yáng),賈望魯*,彭平安,宋健中,賈望魯.? 離線式的熱化學(xué)降解技術(shù)研究 Pahokee泥炭腐殖酸. 地球與環(huán)境,2010,38(4):488–494.

                (37)? 賈望魯,彭平安. 塔里木輪南地區(qū)原油瀝青質(zhì)的分子結(jié)構(gòu)及其初步應(yīng)用—熱解、甲基化-熱解和RICO研究. 地球化學(xué), 2004, 33(2): 139–146

                (38)? 賈望魯,彭平安. 凝析油充注對(duì)油藏瀝青質(zhì)分子結(jié)構(gòu)的影響:實(shí)驗(yàn)?zāi)M. 石油勘探與開發(fā). 2003, 30(6) : 112–116

                (39)? 賈望魯,高山,王林森,胡圣虹. 大別-蘇魯超高壓變質(zhì)帶榴輝巖部分熔融的證據(jù)——微量元素和鉛同位素. 地球科學(xué),2003,28(2):121–128

                (40)? 賈望魯、高山,華北克拉通后太古宙碎屑沉積巖地球化學(xué)研究——三疊紀(jì)的成分變化及其意義,地球科學(xué),1999,24(2):204–210

              • 國(guó)家杰出青年科學(xué)基金、中科院先導(dǎo)B