
              • 姓名: 蔣文敏
              • 性別: 男
              • 職務(wù): 
              • 職稱(chēng): 副研究員
              • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
              • 電話(huà): 
              • 傳真: 
              • 電子郵件: jiangwm@gig.ac.cn
              • 通訊地址: 廣州市天河區科華街511號
                簡(jiǎn)  歷:
              •   湖南衡陽(yáng)人,副研究員,碩導。2012年和2015年畢業(yè)于中國石油大學(xué)(華東),分別獲學(xué)士和碩士學(xué)位;2018年畢業(yè)于中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所,獲地球化學(xué)博士學(xué)位;隨后進(jìn)入本所博士后流動(dòng)站開(kāi)展科研工作,2022年1月起聘為副研究員。主要從事有機地球化學(xué)研究,前期在金剛烷類(lèi)化合物的應用方面開(kāi)展了大量的研究工作,在穩定碳氫同位素測試技術(shù)發(fā)展與開(kāi)發(fā)上有較豐富的經(jīng)驗,目前正在開(kāi)展甲烷團簇同位素研究工作。負責和參加了國家自然科學(xué)基金、中大型企業(yè)外協(xié)項目等11項科研項目,目前已發(fā)表論文22篇,其中在International Journal of Coal Geology、Marine and Petroleum Geology、Organic Geochemistry、Journal of Chromatography A、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering、Fuel等國際主流期刊上發(fā)表SCI論文18篇,第一/通訊作者SCI論文9篇。

                社會(huì )任職:
              •   有機地球化學(xué)、甲烷團簇同位素、穩定碳氫同位素、金剛烷類(lèi)化合物

              •   1. 2022年獲中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所“涂光熾優(yōu)秀青年學(xué)者”(B類(lèi))

                  2. 2017年獲中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)“三好學(xué)生”

              • 1. Jiang, W.M., Chen, C., Long, Z.L., Li, Y.*, Yang, C., Xiong, Y.Q., 2022. Geochemical characteristics and possible sources of crude oils in the Baiyun deep-water area of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 135, 105410. 

                2. Yuan, L.P., Jiang, W.M.*, Li, Y., Lei, R., Cheng, B., Wu, L.L., Xiong, Y.Q.*, 2022.  Reconstruction of geochemical characteristics of original organic matter in drilling cuttings contaminated by oil-based mud. Marine and Petroleum Geology 143, 105817.

                3. Zhang, L., Li, Y.*, Jiang, W.M., Xiong, Y.Q.*, 2022. Position-specific carbon isotopic composition of thermogenic propane: Insights from pyrolysis experiments. Organic Geochemistry 166, 104379.

                4. Chen, H.D., Li, Y.*, Jiang, W.M., Xiong, Y.Q., 2022. Determination of carbon isotopic composition of crocetane in sediments by heart-cutting two-dimensional gas chromatography–isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1666, 462878.

                5. Wang, J.F., Liu, Y.K.*, Yang, C., Jiang, W.M.*, Li, Y., Xiong, Y.Q., 2022. Modeling the Viscoelastic Behavior of Quartz and Clay Minerals in Shale by Nanoindentation Creep Tests. Geofluids, 2022, 2860077.

                6. Jiang, W.M., Li, Y.*, Fang, C.C., Yu, Z.Q., Xiong, Y.Q.*, 2021. Diamondoids in petroleum: Their potential as source and maturity indicators. Organic Geochemistry 160, 104298.

                7. Jiang, W.M., Li, Y.*, Yang, C., Xiong, Y.Q., 2021. Organic geochemistry of source rocks in the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 124, 104836.

                8. Yuan, L.P., Jiang, W.M.*, Li, Y., Xiong, Y.Q., 2021. Combining catalytic hydropyrolysis and GC–IRMS to reconstruct the geochemical characteristics of source rocks in the Baiyun deep-water area of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 131, 105166.

                9. Jiang, W.M., Li, Y.*, Xiong, Y.Q., 2020. Reservoir alteration of crude oils in the Junggar Basin, northwest China: Insights from diamondoid indices. Marine and Petroleum Geology 119, 104451.

                10. Jiang, W.M., Li, Y.*, Xiong, Y.Q., 2019. Source and thermal maturity of crude oils in the Junggar Basin in northwest China determined from the concentration and distribution of diamondoids. Organic Geochemistry 128, 148–160.

                11. Jiang, W.M., Li, Y.*, Xiong, Y.Q., 2018. The effect of organic matter type on formation and evolution of diamondoids. Marine and Petroleum Geology 89, 714–720.

                12. Xiong, Y.Q.*, Jiang, W.M., Wang, X.T., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Zhang, L., Lei, R., Peng, P.A., 2016. Formation and evolution of solid bitumen during oil cracking. Marine and Petroleum Geology 78, 70–75.

              •   1. 中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所“涂光熾優(yōu)秀青年學(xué)者”項目B類(lèi),2022-2024年,50萬(wàn)元,主持;

                  2. 國家自然科學(xué)基金青年科學(xué)基金項目,深層油氣中三金剛烷類(lèi)化合物的形成與演化,2020.01-2022.12,25萬(wàn)元,主持;

                  3. 廣東省自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,珠江口盆地白云深水區油源對比-基于烴源巖的正演和反演,2019.10-2022.09,10萬(wàn)元,主持;

                  4. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,熱裂解成因固體瀝青的形成與演化,2017.01-2020.12,80萬(wàn)元,參與;

                  5. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,流體壓力對金剛烷類(lèi)化合物形成和演化的影響,2018.01-2021.12,68萬(wàn)元,參與;

                  6. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,天然氣形成和演化過(guò)程中丙烷特定位置碳同位素分餾特征研究,2021.01-2024.12,61萬(wàn)元,參與;

                  7. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,深層油氣中甲烷團簇同位素地球化學(xué)研究,2021.01-2024.12,61萬(wàn)元,參與;

                  8. 中海石油深海開(kāi)發(fā)有限公司,珠江口盆地深水區油氣成因機理與運聚模式測試化驗,2017.10-2019.11,190萬(wàn)元,主要完成人。