
              • 姓名: 趙太平
              • 性別: 男
              • 職務(wù): 
              • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
              • 學(xué)歷: 博士研究生
              • 電話(huà): 020-85290231
              • 傳真: 020-85290130
              • 電子郵件: tpzhao@gig.ac.cn
              • 通訊地址: 廣東省廣州市天河區科華街511號
                簡(jiǎn)  歷:
              • 19831990年獲南京大學(xué)學(xué)士、碩士學(xué)位,2000年獲中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所博士學(xué)位。1983.71987.8任教于桂林理工大學(xué)。1990.72000.9年在河南省國土資源科學(xué)研究院工作,1999獲聘教授級高級工程師,歷任該院科研部副主任、主任、副院長(cháng)、總工程師。2000.102003.9在中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所、中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所從事博士后工作。2003.9-至今, 在中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所工作,現任研究員、博士生導師。

                社會(huì )任職:
              • 主要從事華北克拉通南部地區前寒武紀重大地質(zhì)事件與成礦和燕山期巖漿作用與成礦方面的研究。

              • 1     祝禧艷, 王世炎, 蘇文博, 趙太平, 龐嵐尹, 翟明國. 2020. 華北克拉通南緣白術(shù)溝組歸屬中元古界“待建系”——來(lái)自凝灰巖LA-MC-ICPMS鋯石U-Pb年齡的約束. 中國科學(xué): 地球科學(xué), 50, doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2020-0061

                2     Zhu X, Wang S, Su W, Zhao T, Pang L, Zhai M. 2020. Zircon U-Pb geochronology of tuffite beds in the Baishugou Formation: Constraints on the revision of Ectasian System at the southern margin of the North China Craton. Science China Earth Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-020-9657-0

                3     Qianying Sun, Yanyan Zhou, Taiping Zhao*, Lanyin Pang, Yifan Qiu. Qianying Sun, Yanyan Zhou, Taiping Zhao*, Lanyin Pang, Yifan Qiu. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Fangniushan supracrustal strata in the Xiaoshan area, southern North China Craton: Implications for tectonic evolution. Precambrian Research 346 (2020) 105789

                4     Xiaoqin Deng, Touping Peng, Yanyan Zhou, Taiping Zhao*, Zhili Qiu. Origin of the late Paleoproterozoic low- 18O A-type granites on the southern margin of the North China Craton and their implications. Precambrian Research 351 (2020) 105960

                5     Lanyin Pang, Xiyan Zhu, Bo Hu, Wei Wang, Qianying Sun, Taiping Zhao*. Detrital zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotopic composition and whole-rock geochemical characteristics of the Mesoproterozoic Huangqikou Formation in the Helan-Qianli Mountain area, western margin of the North China Craton: Implications for provenance and tectonic evolution. Precambrian Research 347 (2020) 105840

                6     Caiyun Lan, Xiaoping Long*, Taiping Zhao, Mingguo Zhai. In-site mineral geochemistry and whole-rock Fe isotopes of the quartz-magnetite-pyroxene rocks in the Wuyang area, North China Craton: Constraints on the genesis of the pyroxene-rich BIF. Precambrian Research3332019105445

                7     Caiyun Lan, Taiping Zhao*, Wei Terry Chen, Xiaoping Long. Trace elemental modification in magnetite from high-grade metamorphosed. Ore Geology Reviews. 1122019103019

                8     Lei Meng, Xin-Yu Gao, Qiang Wu, Tai-Ping Zhao*. Mineralization of the Luanling gold deposit in the southern margin of the North China Craton: Insights from mineralogy and mineral chemistry of sulfides, tellurides and oxides. Geological Journal, 2019

                9     趙太平,龐嵐尹,仇一凡,祝禧艷,王世炎,耿元生. /中元古代界線(xiàn):1.8Ga. 巖石學(xué)報, 2019, 35(8): 2281-2298

                10   耿元生,曠紅偉,杜利林,柳永清,趙太平.從哥倫比亞超大陸裂解事件論古/中元古代的界限. 巖石學(xué)報, 2019,35(8): 2299-2324

                11    龐嵐尹,高昕宇,孫乾迎,胡波,趙太平*.賀蘭山中段古元古代黃旗口花崗質(zhì)巖石的成因及其構造意義. 巖石學(xué)報, 2019, 35(8): 2344-2362

                12   鄧小芹,彭頭平,趙太平*,丘志力. 2019. 華北克拉通南緣古元古代末(~1.84Ga)垣頭A-型花崗巖成因及其構造意義. 巖石學(xué)報, 2019, 35(8): 2455-2469

                13   Chang Jin, Wei Terry Chen, Xin-Yu Gao, Xiao-Chun Li, Zhi-Wei Bao, Tai-Ping Zhao*. Origin of the Wangpingxigou Pb-Zn deposit in East Qinling orogenic belt, China: Distal response to the giant Donggou porphyry Mo system? Ore Geology Reviews, 109 (2019) 101–116

                14   武甜甜, 雷萬(wàn)杉*, 焦建剛, 趙太平, 高昕宇. 熊耳山地區穆冊二長(cháng)巖體地球化學(xué)特征U-Pb年齡及構造背景. 地質(zhì)論評, 2019,65(4):873-893.

                15   , 金昌, 高昕宇, 趙太平*, 包志偉, 姚軍明. 豫西老廟溝斑巖矽卡巖型鉬礦床花崗斑巖脈成因、輝鉬礦Re-Os 年齡及其地質(zhì)意義. 大地 學(xué),2018,42(3)534-549

                16   周 棟,趙太平*,趙鵬彬,張曉團. 豫西瑤溝金礦床輝鉬礦Re-Os年齡及其地質(zhì)意義. 地質(zhì)科技情報地質(zhì)科技情報,2018,37(5)162-167

                17   周棟,趙太平,趙鵬彬,張曉團. 豫西康山金銀鉛鋅礦床綠泥石電子探針成分特征及其地質(zhì)意義. 礦產(chǎn)勘查,2018,9(5)803-824

                18   翟明國,張連昌,陳斌,等. 2018. 華北克拉通前寒武紀重大地質(zhì)事件與成礦. 北京:科學(xué)出版社,pp1-543, 撰寫(xiě)部分章節

                19   Xiaomei Ma, Keda Cai, Taiping Zhao, Zihe Bao, Xiangsong Wang, Ming Chen, M.M. Buslovf. 2018. Devonian volcanic rocks of the southern Chinese Altai, NW China: Petrogenesis and implication for a propagating slab-window magmatism induced by ridge subduction during accretionary orogenesis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 160:78-94

                20   Yanyan Zhou, Taiping Zhao*, Qianying Sun, Mingguo Zhao. 2018. Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of the 2.6–2.5?Ga amphibolites, low- and high-Al TTGs in the Wangwushan area, southern North China Craton: Implications for the Neoarchean crustal evolution. Precambrian Research 307:93–114

                21   Zhao T.P.* ; Zhao, Y., Fan, H.R., 2018. Preface: Mesozoic tectonothermal events and associated mineralization in the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,

                22   Zhao T.P.*, Meng L., Gao X.Y., Jin C., Wu Q., Bao Z.W. 2018. Late Mesozoic felsic magmatism and Mo-Au-Pb-Zn mineralization in Southern margin of North China CratonA review. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 161:103121

                23   Jin C., Gao X.Y., Chen W.T., Zhao T.P. * Magmatic-hydrothermal Evolution of the Donggou porphyry Mo deposit at the southern margin of the North China Craton: Evidence from chemistry of biotite. Ore Geology Reviews, 2018, 92:84-96

                24   Wanshan Lei*, Jun Dai, Taiping Zhao, Yanfei Zhang, Ni Tao. Field geology, geochronology, and isotope geochemistry of the Luyuangou gold deposit, China: Implications for the gold mineralization in the eastern Qinling Orogen. Geological Journal,2017, https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3064.(JCR1,SCI

                25   Lan C.Y Yang A.Y.Wang C.L.Zhao T.P.* Geochemistry, U-Pb zircon geochronology and Sm-Nd isotopes of the Xincai banded iron formation in the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implications on Neoarchean seawater compositions and solute sources. Precambrian Research10.1016/j.precamres.2017.10.024

                26   Gao X Y, Zhao T P *. 2017. Late Mesozoic magmatism and tectonic evolution in the Southern margin of the North China Craton. Science China Earth Sciences, 60:1959–1975

                27   高昕宇, 趙太平. 2017. 華北克拉通南緣晚中生代花崗質(zhì)巖漿作用與構造演化. 中國科學(xué): 地球科學(xué), 47(11):1309-1328

                28   Lan C.Y., Zhou Y.Y., Yang A.Y., Wang C.L., Zhao T.P.*. Depositional age and protoliths of the Paleoproterozoic supracrustal rocks from the Taihua Complex in the southern margin of the North China Craton: New insights into stratigraphic subdivision and tectonic setting. Precambrian Research, 297:77-100

                29   Sun, Q.Y., Zhou, Y.Y., Wang, W., Zhao, T.P. *, 2017. Formation and evolution of the Paleoproterozoic meta-mafic and associated supracrustal rocks from the Lushan Taihua Complex, southern North China Craton: Insights from zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry. Precambrian Research, 303:428-444.

                30   Sun, Q.Y., Zhou, Y.Y., Zhao, T.P. *, Wang, W., 2017. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Yinyugou Group in the southern North China Craton: Implications for provenance and tectonic evolution. Precambrian Research, 296:120-147

                31   Yang A. Y., Zhao T.-P. *, Zhou M.-F., and Deng X.-G. 2017. Isotopically enriched N-MORB: A new geochemical signature of off-axis plume-ridge interaction—A case study at 50 280E, Southwest Indian Ridge. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(1): 191-213. DOI10.1002/2016JB013284

                32   Lu Jun-Sheng, Zhai Ming-Guo, Lu Lin-Sheng, Wang Hao Y.C., Chen Hong-Xu, Peng Tao, Wu Chun-Ming, Zhao Tai-Ping *. 2017. Metamorphic P–T–t path retrieved from metapelites in the southeastern Taihua metamorphic complex, and the Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the southern North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 134:352–364

                33   王汾連,何高文,孫曉明,楊陽(yáng),趙太平. 太平洋富稀土深海沉積物中稀土元素賦存載體研究. 巖石學(xué)報,2016327:2057-2068

                34   Zhao, T.P., Deng, X.Q. 2016. Petrogenesis and tectonic significance of the late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic (~1.80-1.53 Ga) A-type granites in the southern margin of the North China Craton. In: Zhai, M.G. (Ed.), Main Tectonic Events and Metallogeny of the North China Craton[M]. Springer, 423-434

                35   Zhou Y.Y., Sun Q.Y., Zhao T.P., and Diwu C.R. 2016. The Paleoproterozoic Continental Evolution in the Southern North China Craton:Constrains from Magmatismand Sedimentation. In: Zhai, M.G. (Ed.), Main Tectonic Events and Metallogeny of the North China Craton[M]. Springer, 2016, 251-277

                36   Deng, X.Q., Peng, T.P. and Zhao, T.P. 2016. Geochronology and geochemistry of the late Paleoproterozoic aluminous A-type granite in the Xiaoqinling area along the southern margin of the North China Craton: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 285: 127~146

                37   Deng X.Q., Zhao T.P.*, Peng T.P. 2016. Age and geochemistry of the early Mesoproterozoic A-type granites in the southern margin of the North China Craton: Constraints on their petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 283:68–88

                38   Gao X.Y., Zhao T.P.*, Zhao J.H.. 2016. Petrogenesis of the early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in the North Huaiyang tectono-magmatic unit of the Dabie Orogen, eastern China: Implications for crust-mantle interaction, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 118:5167

                39   Xu Y.H., Wang C.Y., Zhao T.P. 2016. Using detrital zircons from river sands to constrain major tectono-thermal events of the Cathaysia Block, SE China. Journal of Asian Earth and Sciences124: 1-13

                40   Zhai Mingguo, Hu Bo, Zhao Taiping, Peng Peng, Meng Qingren. 2015. Late Paleoproterozoic– Neoproterozoic multi-rifting events in the North China Craton and their geological significance: A study advance and review. Tectonophysics, 662:153–166

                41   趙太平,鄧小芹,胡國輝,周艷艷,彭澎,翟明國. 2015. 華北克拉通古/中元古代界線(xiàn)和相關(guān)地質(zhì)問(wèn)題討論. 巖石學(xué)報,31(6):1495-1508

                42   蘭彩云,趙太平*,羅正傳,王長(cháng)樂(lè ),文啟付,劉立新. 2015. 河南舞陽(yáng)趙案莊Fe-P礦成因:來(lái)自磁鐵礦和磷灰石的礦物學(xué)證據. 巖石學(xué)報, 31(6):1653-1670

                43   王汾連,趙太平,王焰. 2015. 攀西地區二疊紀賦存鈮鉭礦的正長(cháng)巖脈的成因探討. 巖石學(xué)報, 31(6):1797-1805

                44   鄧小芹,趙太平*,彭頭平,高昕宇,包志偉.2015. 華北克拉通南緣1600 Ma麻坪A型花崗巖的成因及其地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報,31(6):1621-1635

                45   周棟,包志偉,姚軍明,曾令君,趙太平*2015. 豫西盧氏八寶山鐵銅多金屬礦床黃鐵礦組成研究.大地構造與成礦學(xué),29:128-138

                46   李鑫浩, 高昕宇, 張忠慧, 方建華, 趙太平*2015. 北淮陽(yáng)早白堊世金剛臺組火山巖LA-ICP-MS鋯石U-Pb年齡及地層對比.大地構造與成礦學(xué), 39(4):718~728

                47   汪江河,孫衛志,劉耀文,馮紹平,趙太平*,姚軍明,詹曉軍. 2015. 金礦體趨勢預測方法及其在河南上宮金成礦帶的應用效果. 礦產(chǎn)勘查,6(6):752-758

                48   Zhou Y.Y., Zhao T.P.*, Zhai M.G., Gao J.F., Lan Z.W., Sun Q.Y. 2015. Petrogenesis of the 2.1 Ga Lushan garnet-bearing quartz monzonite on the southern margin of the North China Craton and its tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 256: 241–255

                49   Chen Wei Terry, Zhou Mei-Fu, Gao Jian-Feng and Zhao Tai-Ping*2015. Oscillatory Sr isotopic signature in plagioclase megacrysts from the Damiao anorthosite complex, North China: implication for petrogenesis of massif-type anorthositeChemical Geology 3933941-15

                50   Wang Fen-Lian, Wang Christina Yan, Zhao Tai-Ping*. 2015. Boron isotopic constraints on the Nb and Ta mineralization of the syenitic dikes in the ~260 Ma Emeishan large igneous province (SW China). Ore Geology Reviews, 65:1110-1126

                51   Zhou Yan-YanZhao Tai-Ping*, Zhai Ming-Guo, Gao Jianfeng, Sun Qianying. 2014. Origin of the Archean tonalite-trondhjemite -granodiorite (TTG) and granites in the Lushan area, southern margin of North China Craton: Implications for crustal accretion and transformation. Precambrian Research, 255:514–537

                52   Yang Alexandra Yang, Zhou Mei-Fu, Zhao Tai-Ping*, Deng Xi-Guang, Qi Liang, Xu Ji-Feng. 2014. Chalcophile elemental compositions of MORBs from the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge and controls of lithospheric structure on S-saturated differentiation. Chemical Geology, 382:1–13

                53   Zhou Yan-Yan, Zhai Ming-Guo, Zhao Tai-Ping, Lan Zhongwu, Sun Qianying. 2014. Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of the early Paleoproterozoic potassic granite in the Lushan area, southern margin of the North China Craton. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 94:190–204

                54   Gao Xin-Yu, Zhao Tai-Ping*, Bao Zhi-Wei, Yang Alexandra Yang. 2014. Petrogenesis of the Taishanmiao highly fractionated I-type granites on the southern margin of the North China Craton. Lithos, 206–207:65–78

                55   Gao Xin-Yu, Zhao Tai-Ping*, Chen Wei-Terry. 2014. Petrogenesis of the early Cretaceous Funiushan granites on the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for the Mesozoic geological evolution. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 94:28–44

                56   Hu Guo-Hui, Zhao Tai-Ping *, Zhou Yan-Yan. 2014. Depositional age, provenance and tectonic setting of the Proterozoic Ruyang Group, southern margin of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 246:296–318

                57   Bao Zhiwei , Wang Christina Yan, Zhao Taiping, Li Chuangju, Gao Xinyu. 2014. Petrogenesis of the Mesozoic granites and Mo mineralization of the Luanchuan ore field in the East Qinling Mo mineralization belt, Central China. Ore Geology Reviews57 (2014) 132–153

                58   翟明國, 胡波,彭澎,趙太平. 2014. 華北中-新元古代的巖漿作用與多期裂谷事件. 地學(xué)前緣,211):100-119

                59   王汾連, 趙太平*, 陳偉, 王焰. 2013. 峨眉山大火成巖省賦Nb-Ta-Zr礦化正長(cháng)巖脈的形成時(shí)代和鋯石Hf同位素組成. 巖石學(xué)報,29(10)3519-3532

                60   蘭彩云,張連昌,趙太平*,王長(cháng)樂(lè ),李紅中,周艷艷. 2013. 河南舞陽(yáng)鐵山廟式BIF鐵礦的礦物學(xué)與地球化學(xué)特征及對礦床成因的指示. 巖石學(xué)報,29(7):2567-2582

                61   胡國輝, 趙太平*, 周艷艷, 王世炎. 2013. 華北克拉通南緣中-新元古代沉積地層對比研究及其地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報,29(7):2491-2507

                62   曾令君, 包志偉, 趙太平, 姚軍明, 周棟. 2013. 華北克拉通南緣潘河-1.5Ga正長(cháng)巖的厘定及其構造意義,巖石學(xué)報, 29(7):2425-2436,

                63   曾令君, 星玉才, 周棟, 趙太平, 姚軍明, 包志偉. 2013. 河南盧氏八寶山花崗斑巖LA-ICP-MS鋯石U-Pb年齡和Hf同位素組成特征. 大地構造與成礦學(xué), 37(1): 65-77.

                64   曾令君,周 棟,星玉才,趙太平,姚軍明,包志偉. 2013. 盧氏八寶山花崗斑巖地球化學(xué)特征及成因研究. 地球化學(xué),42:242-261

                65   吳云輝, 熊小林, 趙太平, 朱志敏, . 2013. 新疆東戈壁斑巖型Mo 礦輝鉬礦Re-Os 年齡和成礦巖體鋯石U-Pb 年齡及其地質(zhì)意義. 學(xué),27(4): 743~753

                66   高昕宇, 趙太平*, 施小斌, 張忠慧, 包志偉. 2013. 大別山北麓早白堊世商城和達權店巖體的地球化學(xué)特征與成因. 地球化學(xué), 42(4): 307~339

                67   Chen Wei Terry, Zhou Mei-Fu, Zhao Tai-Ping*. 2013. Differentiation of nelsonitic magmas in the formation of the ~1.74 Ga Damiao Fe-Ti-P ore deposit, North China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 165:1341-1362

                68   Yang Alexandra Yang, Zhao Tai-Ping *, Zhou Mei-Fu, Deng Xi-Guang, Wang Gui-Qin, Li Jie. 2013. Os isotopic compositions of MORBs from the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge: Constraints on the assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes. Lithos,179:28–35

                69   胡國輝,周艷艷,趙太平*. 河南嵩山地區元古宙五佛山群沉積巖的地球化學(xué)特征及其對物源區和構造環(huán)境的制約.巖石學(xué)報,2012,28(11):3692-3704

                70   胡國輝, 趙太平*, 周艷艷,楊陽(yáng). 華北克拉通南緣五佛山群沉積時(shí)代和物源區分析:碎屑鋯石U-Pb年齡和Hf同位素證據. 地球化學(xué),201241(4):303-325

                71   高昕宇, 趙太平, 高劍峰, 薛良偉, 原振雷.華北陸塊南緣小秦嶺地區早白堊世埃達克質(zhì)花崗巖的LA-ICP-MS鋯石U-Pb年齡,Hf同位素和元素地球化學(xué)特征. 地球化學(xué),201241:326-342

                72   王汾連,趙太平*,陳偉. 鈮鉭礦研究進(jìn)展和攀西地區鈮鉭礦成因初探. 礦床地質(zhì),201231:293-308

                73   Yang Yang, Zhao Tai-Ping*, Qi Liang, Yang Sheng-Hong, Zhou Mei-Fu. Chalcophile elemental constraints on sulfide-saturated fractionation of Cenozoic basalts and andesites in SE China. Lithos, 2011, 127: 323-335

                74   邢長(cháng)明,陳偉,王焰,趙太平. 華北克拉通北緣元古宙大廟Fe-Ti-P礦床的揮發(fā)份組成和C-H-O同位素研究. 巖石學(xué)報,201127(5):1500-1510

                75   Zhou Yan-Yan, Zhao Tai-Ping*, Wang Yan, Hu Guo-Hui. 2011. Geochronology and geochemistry of 2.5 to 2.4 Ga granitic plutons in the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for a tectonic transition from arc to post-collisional setting. Gondwana Research20:171-183

                76   高昕宇,趙太平*,周艷艷,高劍峰. 華北陸塊南緣中生代合峪花崗巖的地球化學(xué)特征及其成因. 巖石學(xué)報,201026(12):3485-3506

                77   徐勇航,趙太平*,陳偉. 華北克拉通南部古元古界熊耳群中海綠石的發(fā)現及其地質(zhì)意義. 沉積學(xué)報,2010, 28(4):671-675

                78   魏慶國,高昕宇,趙太平*,陳偉,楊岳衡. 大別北麓湯家坪花崗斑巖鋯石LA-ICPMS U-Pb定年和巖石地球化學(xué)特征及其對巖石成因的制約. 巖石學(xué)報,2010, 26(5):1550-1562

                79   胡國輝, 胡俊良, 陳偉, 趙太平*. 2010. 華北南緣中條山-嵩山地區ca. 1.75 Ga基性巖墻群的成因與構造環(huán)境. 巖石學(xué)報,26(5):1563-1576

                80   白鳳軍,趙太平,肖榮閣,劉國營(yíng). 河南嵩縣鉀長(cháng)石石英脈型鉬礦成礦流體地球化學(xué). 現代地質(zhì),201024(1):26-33

                81   劉胤, 倪志耀, 翟明國, 趙太平, 盧俊生, 嚴剛. 冀北異剝鈣榴巖中的鋇冰長(cháng)石的發(fā)現及地質(zhì)意義. 成都理工大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版)201037(3):268-272 

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                83   姚軍明,趙太平,李向輝. 河南王坪西溝鉛鋅礦床單顆粒閃鋅礦Rb_Sr定年. 礦床地質(zhì),2010,增刊,535-536

                84   包志偉,曾喬松,趙太平,原振雷. 東秦嶺鉬礦帶南泥湖-上房溝花崗斑巖成因及其對鉬成礦作用的制約. 巖石學(xué)報, 200925(10): 2523-2536

                85   魏慶國,原振雷,姚軍明,陳 偉,喬 波,趙太平*. 東秦嶺鉬礦帶成礦特征及其與美國克萊馬克斯-亨德森鉬礦帶的對比. 大地構造與成礦學(xué),2009332):259-269

                86   魏慶國,姚軍明,趙太平*,孫亞莉,李晶,原振雷,喬波. 東秦嶺發(fā)現~1.9Ga鉬礦床——河南龍門(mén)店鉬礦床Re-Os定年. 巖石學(xué)報,200925(11) : 2747-2751

                87   周艷艷,趙太平*,薛良偉,王世炎. 河南嵩山地區新太古代斜長(cháng)角閃巖的地球化學(xué)特征與成因. 巖石學(xué)報,200925(11) :3043-3056

                88   Zhao Tai-Ping, Chen Wei, Zhou Mei-Fu. Geochemical and Nd-Hf isotopic constraints on the origin of the ~1.74-Ga Damiao anorthosite complex, North China Craton. Lithos,2009,113:673-690

                89   Zhao Tai-Ping and Zhou Mei-Fu. Geochemical constraints on the tectonic setting of Paleoproterozoic A-type granites in the southern margin of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,  2009,36:183-195

                90   徐勇航,趙太平*,陳 . 東秦嶺二郎坪群長(cháng)英質(zhì)火山巖地球化學(xué)特征及其構造環(huán)境. 巖石學(xué)報,200925(2):399-412

                91   周艷艷,趙太平*,薛良偉,王世炎,高劍峰. 河南嵩山地區新太古代TTG質(zhì)片麻巖的成因及其地質(zhì)意義:來(lái)自巖石學(xué)、地球化學(xué)及同位素年代學(xué)的制約. 巖石學(xué)報,200925(2):331-347

                92   姚軍明,趙太平*,李晶,孫亞莉,原振雷, 陳偉,韓軍. 河南祁雨溝金礦地球化學(xué)特征和年代學(xué)研究:基于鋯石Hf同位素、U-Pb及輝鉬礦Re-Os年齡的證據. 巖石學(xué)報,200925(2):374-384

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                94   Tai-Ping Zhao, Mei-Fu Zhou, Jun-Hong ZhaoKai-Jun Zhang and Wei Chen. Geochronology and geochemistry of the ~80-Ma Rutog granitic pluton, northwestern Tibet: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Lhasa Terrane. Geological Magazine, 2008,145 (6):845–857.

                95   陳偉,趙太平*,魏慶國,徐勇航. 河北大廟Fe-Ti-P礦床中鐵鈦磷灰巖的成因: 來(lái)自磷灰石的證據. 巖石學(xué)報,200824(10):2301-2312

                96   姚軍明,趙太平,魏慶國,原振雷. 河南王坪西溝鉛鋅礦床流體包裹體特征和礦床成因類(lèi)型. 巖石學(xué)報,200824(9):2113-2123

                97   嚴剛,倪志耀,翟明國,盧俊生,趙太平. 冀北異剝鈣榴巖的巖石學(xué)、地球化學(xué)及鋯石SHRIMP年代學(xué)研究. 礦物巖石,200828(1): 21-30

                98   Graciano P. Yumul Jr., Mei-Fu Zhou, Christina Yan Wang, Tai-Ping Zhao, Carla B. Dimalanta. Geology and geochemistry of the Shuanggou ophiolite (Ailao Shan ophiolitic belt), Yunnan Province, SW China: Evidence for a slow-spreading oceanic basin origin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences200832(5-6):385-395

                99   Peng Peng, Ming-Guo Zhai, Jing-Hui Guo, Tim Kusky and Tai-Ping Zhao. Nature of mantle source contributions and crystal differentiation in the petrogenesis of the 1.78 Ga mafic dykes in the central North China craton. Gondwana Research, 2007, 12(1-2):29-46

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                101  徐勇航,趙太平*,張玉修,陳偉. 華北克拉通南部古元古界熊耳群大古石組碎屑巖的地球化學(xué)特征及其地質(zhì)意義. 地質(zhì)論評,200854(3):145-156

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                104  陳偉, 趙太平* 徐勇航. 大廟Fe-Ti-P礦床中鐵鈦磷灰巖的成因:來(lái)自鐵鈦氧化物礦物化學(xué)的證據. 礦物學(xué)報,2007z1:248-250 (通訊作者)

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                112  Peng P., Zhai M.G., Guo J.H., Kusky T., and Zhao T.P. Nature of mantle source contributions and crystal differentiation in the petrogenesis of the 1.78 Ga mafic dykes in the central North China Craton. Gondwana Research2007, 12(1-2):29-46

                113  Zhao Taiping, Chen Wei, Zhang Zhonghui, Xu Yonghang, Wang Fengyun. Characteristics and Significance of the Volcanic Rocks of Xiyanghe-Group As a Geological Legend. In: Zhao Xun et al. (ed) Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Development within Geoparks: Science and Management. Bejing: Geological Publication House, 2006, 55-66

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                153  趙太平, 原振雷, 強立志. 華北板塊南緣中元古代熊耳群鉀質(zhì)火山巖地球學(xué)特征與成因. 河南地質(zhì)礦產(chǎn)與環(huán)境(第三十界國際地質(zhì)大會(huì )獻禮文集). 北京:中國環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社, 1996, 31-40

                154  趙太平, 莊建敏, 原振雷. 華北板塊南緣熊耳群火山巖巖石類(lèi)型及火山巖系列. 華北地質(zhì)礦產(chǎn)雜志, 1996, 11(4):599-606

                155  趙太平, 莊建敏, 原振雷. 論熊耳群火山巖的平均化學(xué)成分. 華北地質(zhì)礦產(chǎn)雜志, 1996, 11(3)

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                163  趙太平, 強立志, 原振雷, 袁鶴皋. 熊耳群火山巖與細碧角斑巖系. 河南地質(zhì)1994, 12(1):18-27

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                166  趙太平, 關(guān)保德, 屠森. 華北板塊南緣熊耳群火山巖研究的若干問(wèn)題. 地質(zhì)論評, 1994, 40(5) :446-455

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                169  趙太平, 周金城, 陳克榮.江蘇溧水中生代火山雜巖巖石化學(xué)特征及其成因. 南京大學(xué)學(xué)報(地球科學(xué)版), 1994, 6(3):252-258

                170  趙太平, 秦國群, 原振雷, 強立志. 關(guān)于熊耳群火山巖特征及其構造環(huán)境的新認識. 礦物巖石地球化學(xué)通訊, 1994(2)

                171  周金城, 趙太平, 陳克榮. 江蘇溧水橄欖安粗巖系產(chǎn)出的構造環(huán)境及演化關(guān)系分析. 南京大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版), 1994, 30(3):504-510

                172  趙太平, 周金城, 陳克榮. 江蘇溧水橄欖玄粗巖系中的巖漿包裹體. 見(jiàn):火山巖、火山作用及有關(guān)礦產(chǎn)——第二屆全國火山巖會(huì )議論文集. 北京:地質(zhì)出版社, 1993, 172-175

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                175  趙太平, 強立志, 原振雷. 關(guān)于熊耳群火山巖研究的一些思考. 河南地質(zhì)情報, 1993,(4)

                176  強立志, 趙太平, 原振雷. 熊耳群中金鉛鋅礦成礦時(shí)代新認識. 河南地質(zhì), 1993, 11(1):8

                177  趙太平, 原振雷, 強立志. 論熊耳群火山巖及其構造環(huán)境. 見(jiàn):礦物巖石地球化學(xué)新探索. 北京:地震出版社, 1993,50-52

                178  原振雷, 強立志, 趙太平. 熊耳群地質(zhì)環(huán)境演化的沉積地球化學(xué)證據. 見(jiàn):礦物巖石地球化學(xué)新探索. 北京:地震出版社,1993,69-70

                179  趙太平, 陳克榮, 周金城. 溧水中生代火山雜巖主要造巖礦物成分特征及其成因意義. 江蘇地質(zhì), 1992, 16(3-4):239-246

                180  趙太平, 強立志, 原振雷. 熊耳群火山巖的新認識. 河南地質(zhì), 1992, 10(1):80

                181  趙太平, 強立志. 關(guān)于海相火山碎屑巖. 河南地質(zhì)情報, 1992,(2):1-7

                182  華仁民, 陳克榮, 周金城, 趙太平. 對溧水盆地中生代火山巖系地層劃分和時(shí)代歸屬的意見(jiàn). 江蘇地質(zhì), 1992, 16(2):65-68

                183  趙太平. La/Sm -- La圖解運用中的問(wèn)題. 河南地質(zhì), 1992, 10(1):70-73

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                185  趙太平. 關(guān)于橄欖玄粗巖系. 河南地質(zhì)情報, 1991,(1):22-26

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                187  趙太平, 周金城, 陳克榮. 江蘇溧水霓輝石歪霞正長(cháng)斑巖特征與成因. 江蘇地質(zhì), 1991, 15(4):200-202

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